© Copyrights are really strange things. You’re allowed to use the content from my site as long as you’re using them to enrich young minds.
TeachNg History

Wednesday, June 19th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Artifact Analysis - Create an analysis of your letter as though it was a museum piece. Follow the format provided o Template

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments _____________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Letter from a WWI Soldier - Write a letter as a soldier from World War I using the research you had done from the previous assignment

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments _____________________________________________________________________

Monday, June 17th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Your Letter from WWI - Do research to prepare to write a letter as a soldier from World War I o Name Generator o Examples of personal letter formats: Example 1, Example 2, Example 3

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments _____________________________________________________________________

Thursday, June 13th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

The National Archives - Letters from the First World War, part two o Choose another letter to read (listen to) and complete the questions on the handout o Handout

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments _____________________________________________________________________

Thursday, June 13th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

The National Archives - Letters from the First World War, part one o Choose one letter to read (listen to) and complete the questions on the handout o Handout

Reminders & Homework

Draw a sketch that has to do with the letter you read and bring it to class tomorrow Complete any missing assignments _____________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, June 12th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Questions for “The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand” video Map of European Alliances in 1914

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments _____________________________________________________________________

Monday, June 10th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Causes of World War I Webquest - Please complete the webquest by start of class on Wednesday (6/12) o Link for Q1 and European Alliances o Link for Q2 o Link for Q3&4 o Link for Q5 o Link for Q7 o HW question #5 map

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments _____________________________________________________________________

Thursday, June 6th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Respond to the following questions based on your work on the Imperialism poster. Please email me your responses by start of class on Monday: johnny@pcschina.org o Questions

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments _____________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Today’s Goal:  o Read Textbook Pg. 810-813 Define the vocabulary in this section Answer Questions 1&2 on Pg. 811 (Skill Builder) Answer Question 8 on Pg. 813 o Complete Imperialism in China Worksheet

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Today’s Goal:  o Complete Imperialism in China Worksheet

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Today’s Goal:  o Work on and complete Research Guide individually Answer all questions on a separate document Cite all sources of where you got your information NO WIKIPEDIA, ANSWERS.COM, YAHOO! ANSWERS, QUARA, BAIDU, ASK.COM Timeline: o Wednesday - Meet with group members, share inforamtion, and assign tasks o Thursday - Continue working on Poster o Friday - Complete poster by end of class

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, May 27th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Imperialism Research Poster Project [Poster Due Friday] o Review the directions for this assignment o Work on the Research Guide. You will start sharing information with your group tomorrow and start planning the poster and responsibilities

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Friday, May 24th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Quiz Day! Scramble for Africa Directions Scramble for Africa Maps o Rowena, Burton, Jessica, Cindy, Kevin o Jacky, Hyde, Cherilyn, Parker, Eric o Nina, Selina, Sissy, Anthony o Holly, Bart, Julie, Selina Maps to Compare o Africa - Political map 1913 o Africa - Political map today

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, May 20th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read and complete the questions for the following handout: Colonial Africa o On a seperate .doc or .docx file, answer the questions on the handout (there should be 12 questions). Answer in complete sentences in your own words o Highlight or underline the following vocabulary on the handout. You should know the words and the definitions as they will be on the quiz on Friday Vocabulary (RACISM, SOCIAL DARWINISM, ANGLO-SAXON, MALARIA, SUEZ CANAL, BERLIN CONFERENCE, ETHNIC GROUP, BOERS, SHAKA ZULU, BATTLE OF ADWA, SMALLPOX, KINSHIP)

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, May 16th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook pgs. 772-778 o Define (Imperialism, Racism, Social Darwinism, Berlin Conference, Shaka, Boer, Boer War) o Look up the word, “Darwinism”. What does it mean and what does this theory tell us about all creatures on this earth? o Respond to Questions on Pg. 778 Questions 2-6

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook pgs. 758-761 o Define (Manifest Destiny, Abraham Lincoln, Secede, US Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation, Segregation) o Answer Question on Pg 759, Q#2 o Answer Question on Pg. 760, Q#2 o Find the dates of the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments of the US Constitution o Determine what each of the amendments is about

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook pgs. 751-755 o Define (Dominion, Maori, Aborigine, Penal Colony, Home Rule, Irish Republican Army) o On Page 754; Answer Questions 1-3 o On Page 755; Answer Questions 3-6

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Friday, May 10th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Social Reform and Suffrage Images of Suffragettes

Reminders & Homework

Finish Social Reform and Suffrage Handout Complete the Post-Activity Assignment (Bottom of Pg. 8) - Due Monday 5/13 o TurnItIn.com “Letter to the Times” o Needs to be at least 150 words o Needs to be from the perspective of a Middle-Class woman fighting for suffrage at that time (1871-1914) o A Letter format o Why should women have the vote and why they deserve it o In your own words Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Questions to think about for tomorrow: o What is the difference between equality and fairness? Think of a situation where things are equal, but also unfair (or vice-versa) o What are the traditional roles of girls, young women, and women? What expectations does society put upon them? o What are the roles of girls, young women, and women today? What expectations does society put upon them? o What problems are women still dealing with today?

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook Pgs. 746-749; Answer the following questions on paper: o What does suffrage mean? o What is the difference between the Suffrage movement (Reform Bill of 1832) and the Chartist movement? o Who is Emmeline Pankhurst and what is her role in womens suffrage? o Which two countries were first to grant suffrage to women?

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, April 29th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Chapter 25 - Industrial Revolution (txtbook) Market vs. Command Economies + Simulation o Vocab and Questions for Monday’s Quiz (Page 4)

Reminders & Homework

Quiz on Monday (5/6) Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Classwork - Reflection on Industrial Revolution Primary Sources

Reminders & Homework

Read textbook Pgs. 734-740 [Due 4/25, beginning of class] o On a piece of paper: Answer questions 3-5 in complete sentences Respond to the following question: Would China be considered an actual “Communist” society according to Karl Marx? Why or why not? Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Industrial Revolutions: Primary Sources o British Cities - Doc 1 / Doc 2 Complete the following worksheet based on Doc 2

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Friday, April 19th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Industrial Revolutions Project - Product o Complete project by Monday, start of class

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Industrial Revolutions Project - Product o Examples of Advertisements: Example 1 & Example 2 o Examples of Articles: Example 1 o Examples of Technical Manuals: Example 1

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, April 15th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Industrial Revolutions Project - Research o Useful Websites for Information: Britannica Online Loc.gov British and American Inventions How Stuff Works - Top 10 Inventions Wikipedia.org

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Friday, April 12th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook, “Industrialization”, Pgs 723-728 o Define: Urbanization & Middle Class Carefully reread pages 724-725 with a focus on ‘Living Conditions’ , ‘Working Conditions’, and ‘The Day of a Child Laborer, William Cooper o Why were the living conditions so bad in parts of England? o In your opinion, what is the worse of the bad living conditions mentioned in the textbook? o Why do you believe that women and children were cheaper labor than men? o How many total hours did William Cooper work? How many hours rest did he get, including break time? o It is stated in the beginning of the section that William Cooper was testifying in front of a parlimentary committee. Why might the parliment be interested in hearing about his daily life?

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, April 11th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

The Congress of Vienna Simulation o Post-Simulation Questions - On an A4 piece of paper, respond to the following four questions in complete sentences in your own words: i. Which nation did you represent? Did your nation accomplish all its goals (+/- points)? ii. What challenges did you face with the simulation? Which nation helped or hindered you the most? iii. Did your congress achieve it’s aims (go back to the four aims)? iv. Do you personally think the congress was successful or do you think this arrangement will lead to more conflict? Explain your response.

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, April 4th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Finish Congress of Vienna Worksheet o Flag from 1815 and borders during 1800 Research questions o Congress of Vienna - General Information o Congress of Vienna - Personalities o Britiannica Online: Congress of Vienna

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

The Congress of Vienna - Worksheet 1

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Friday, March 29th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Study for Monday’s Quiz o Vocabulary & Homework Questions for Chapter 23, sections 1-3 [French Revolution!]

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Complete Textbook Reading and Questions o Read Section 3 on the French Revolution, Pgs. 662-667 o Answer questions 3-5 & 7

Reminders & Homework

Study for Quiz on Monday regarding French Revolution (review sections 1-3) o Study the vocabulary and the HW questions Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Complete Textbook Reading and Questions o Read Section 2 on the French Revolution, Pgs. 656-661 o Answer questions 3-5

Reminders & Homework

Study for Quiz on Monday regarding French Revolution o Study the vocabulary and the HW questions Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

The French Revolution o Versailles Webquest i. Versailles website: http://en.chateauversailles.fr  o Textbook Reading

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, March 21st, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Goal 1: o Complete Event Timeline (see March 20th) Print adjusted template Draw icon and use color + effort Post on the back of the classroom in the correct time period Goal 2: o Causes of the American Revolution Outline Choose your event and two others from the timeline to complete the worksheet

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Period 3: Focus on March 19th assignment and make sure its ready tomorrow Period 4: o Event Timeline Template / Event Timeline Demo Download and fill in the Event Timeline Template with your event’s information. Print out the Event Timeline, draw your icon, and post it on the wall in the back of the class during the correct time period

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Peer Review of American Revolution Event Research o Work with a partner to review your research

Reminders & Homework

Using the corrections from your partner, type out the following and bring it to class tomorrow o The corrected summary o The corrrected feelings/reactions of the American Colonists o The corrected feelings/reactions of the British Government Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, March 18th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

American Revolution Event Research o Complete the research for your one of your events

Reminders & Homework

American Revolution Event Research Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook Pg. 640-645 and answer the following questions in your own words o Name at least two reasons why the English Colonists in the Americas had problems with Britains decisions prior to declaring independence o How did John Locke’s notion of the social contract influence the American colonists? o Why do you think the colonists at first created such a weak central government? o In what way was the American Revolution similar to the English Civil War?

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, March 11th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook Pg. 636-639 and answer the following questions in your own words o Define what a ‘Salon’ is according to the textbook definition. o Do we have something similar to Salons today? If yes, what are they called now? If no, why do you believe there isnt? o What are enlightened despots? o What are reformers? o In what ways were the enlightened despots less than true reformers? Give a specific example to support your argument from the text

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Peer Edit o On the Peer Edit paper, respond to a group partner’s pairing paragraph Use the comments to fix your writing PRINT Your Pairing Paragraph o 12pt Times New Roman font, Double-Spaced Dinner Party Poster o On a piece of poster paper, work with your group to draw your dinner table and seats Needs to include a title Needs seating arrangement with the names of the guests (pictures would also be great) Needs to show the connections of pairings done by your group members Needs a cutout of your pairing explanations next to the connections Needs to look like a dinner table Quality and effort count

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, Feb 26th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Today’s Goals: a. On a scratch paper, decide the seating arrangements of the guests at the dinner party Who would you sit next to whom? Who would you sit across from whom and why? What similarities do they have that would allow them to get along or what differences do they have that you have to sit them far away from each other? There is no perfect combination, but do your best b. Each person must explain ONE pairing (each person must have a different pairing) Explain the similarities and differences between the your pair of people In 4-5 sentences in your own words, explain the pairing and seating arrangement (Please type on your computer)

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, Feb 25th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Enlightenment Dinner Party o Part A - Complete Comparison Tables o Part C - Work with your group to decide seating arrangement of your characters o Part B - Decide with your group which seating arrangement pairing you will explain. Write it down your explanation in 3-5 sentences

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Friday, Feb 22nd, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

As assigned groups, work on sharing information about your Enlightenment characters Start comparing similarities and differences

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, Feb 21st, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Enlightenment - Compare and Research o Sit with your partner and research one more Enlightenment character Baruch Spinoza Thomas Paine Adam Smith Catherine II (or Catherine the Great) Marquis de Condorcet (or search ‘Condorcet’) Olympe de Gouges o Complete the worksheet using information from Britannica Online Research + Quote o Compare between Enlightenment Characters (1-paragraph response)

Reminders & Homework

Complete Enlightenment - Compare and Research Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, Feb 19th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Enlightenment Quote and Action Figure o Find a famous quote for your assigned Enlightenment character and explain the context and meaning o Design your character’s action figure

Reminders & Homework

Finish Enlightenment Quote and Action Figure assignment Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, Feb 18th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Enlightenment Character Research - Use Britannica Online to research information about your assigned character [Reading level 2 is recommended. Level 3 is a nice challenge] o Thomas Hobbes o John Locke o Baron de Montesquieu o Mary Wollstonecraft o Voltaire o Denis Diderot o Cesare Beccaria o John Comenius o Benjamin Franklin o Thomas Jefferson

Reminders & Homework

Complete the Enlightenment Character Research assignment before class tomorrow ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, Jan 31st, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

12 Enlightenment Thinkers o Complete information sheet for 4 different enlightenment thinkers

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, Jan 30th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Warm-up - Natural Rights 12 Enlightenment Thinkers

Reminders & Homework

none ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, Jan 29th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Defining Enlightenment Terms [Enligtenment, Philosophe, Natural Rights, Absolutism, Liberty, Deism] o Fold a paper hamburger-style into thirds o For each section (3 front, 3 back) write down The vocabulary term Pronouncation Guide (use https://www.howmanysyllables.com/) Definition (use dictionary.com) Definition in your own words Create a sentence using the term correctly o Sample

Reminders & Homework

 Read Textbook Pg. 629-634 o Define from textbook Social Contract o What were the 5 core beliefs of the Philosophes? Explain one in your own words o Why might some women have been critical of the Enlightenment? ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, Jan 28th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Scientist presentations Scientific Revolution Notes

Reminders & Homework

 Read Textbook Pg. 622-628 o Answer Questions 5, 6, and 7 ______________________________________________________________________

Friday, Jan 25th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Scientific Revolution

Reminders & Homework

Research Your Scientist (Newton, Kepler, Brahe, Galilei, Copernicus) o Where were they from? o Year of their birth/death o Explain 1 major discovery they are known for Write down and be able to explain, in your own words, what this discovery is. Explain it to us as though we were 5 years old (no big words, provide examples, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, Jan 24th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Notes - Protestant Reformation

Reminders & Homework

Catholic Church Break-up Letter o Write a ½ page to 1 page as a new Protestant who is leaving the Catholic Church. In your letter, you must explain: 1-2 problems you see with the Catholic church 1-2 Differences in practices of the Protestant church (you prefer) over the Catholic church 1-2 Other people/events that also left the church o You will be graded on quality as well as content. Please use content from the textbook to help you (pg 488, 490, 491, 495-498 are pretty useful) ______________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, Jan. 23rd, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Homework day (Reformation)

Reminders & Homework

Read Textbook Pgs. 495-501 o Respond to Pg. 502 Qs#16, 17 o Respond to Pg. 501 Qs#2, 3 ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Judith and Holofernes o Picture 1 vs Picture 2 Female Renaissance Artists 

Reminders & Homework

Read Textbook Pgs. 488-494 o Define the terms (using the textbook) o What problem does Martin Luther have with the Catholic church’s selling of indulgences? Why do you think he believes its wrong? o Look at the diagram on Page 491 Using a dictionary, define “denomination” What is the percentage of Protestants in the US? How is the leadership of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches different in the 16th century? How do Roman Catholics and Calvinists differ in their Interpretation of Beliefs? Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, Jan. 21th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Renaissance Art Piece Presentations

Reminders & Homework

Read Textbook Pgs. 478-485 o Define the terms (using the textbook) o Answer question #9 on page 485 Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Friday, Jan. 18th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Renaissance Notes o The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin by Jan van Eyck Be ready to present your art piece with your partner on Monday

Reminders & Homework

Read Textbook Pgs. 471-477 o Define the terms (using the textbook) Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, Jan. 17th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Renaissance Artworks o Review Art Work Analysis - With a partner, analyze your assigned art piece o In 2-3 sentences, describe one aspect of the art piece that stands out o In 2-3 sentences, interpret the meaning/message/story of the art piece o Try to find the Title of the Art Piece(in english), the Artist’s name, Year(s) created, and where the art piece is located today. o In 3-5 setences, explain, in your own words, what the actual meaning/message/story of art piece is o Sketch a small (but important) part of this artwork on A4 paper o You and your partner will present the art to the class on Friday Art Piece #1 Art Piece #2 Art Piece #3 Art Piece #4 Art Piece #5 Art Piece #6

Reminders & Homework

Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, Jan. 16th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Renaissance Artworks (due tomorrow) o Color in your artwork o On the back of your paper Go online and find the  following: The title of the artwork Where the artwork is today (what museum or specific location) The artist’s name Where the artist is from The year (or years) the artist created the art o In 2-3 sentences, describe the artwork. Describe it to someone who has never seen it (ex. there are trees in the background, there is a woman standing on the right, etc.) o In 2-3 sentences, describe what you think the artist is trying to show the audience. What message are they trying to say?

Reminders & Homework

Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Thursday, Jan. 10th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Classwork Goal: o Complete Outline (I will collect it on Jan. 11th) o Complete Rough Draft Submit 1st draft on Thursday by 10pm [Jan. 10th] on TurnItIn.com

Reminders & Homework

Rough Draft Essay due today by 10pm [Jan. 10th] on TurnItIn.com Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, Jan. 9th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Classwork Goal: Complete Outline Work on Rough Draft o Submit 1st draft on Thursday end of day [1/10] to TurnItIn

Reminders & Homework

Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, Jan. 8th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Classwork Goal: Complete Outline

Reminders & Homework

Start on Rough Draft of Essay Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________________________

Monday, Jan. 7th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Overview of Mesoamerican essay

Reminders & Homework

Complete a thesis statement Complete Venn Diagram for each of the three cultural topics ______________________________________________________________________
© Copyrights are really strange things. You’re allowed to use the content from my site as long as you give me credit
Mr. Ng’s Class Website

Wednesday, June 19th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Artifact Analysis - Create an analysis of your letter as though it was a museum piece. Follow the format provided o Template

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ _______________

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Letter from a WWI Soldier - Write a letter as a soldier from World War I using the research you had done from the previous assignment

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ _______________

Monday, June 17th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Your Letter from WWI - Do research to prepare to write a letter as a soldier from World War I o Name Generator o Examples of personal letter formats: Example 1, Example 2, Example 3

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ _______________

Thursday, June 13th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

The National Archives - Letters from the First World War, part two o Choose another letter to read (listen to) and complete the questions on the handout o Handout

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ _______________

Thursday, June 13th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

The National Archives - Letters from the First World War, part one o Choose one letter to read (listen to) and complete the questions on the handout o Handout

Reminders & Homework

Draw a sketch that has to do with the letter you read and bring it to class tomorrow Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ _______________

Wednesday, June 12th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Questions for “The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand” video Map of European Alliances in 1914

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ _______________

Monday, June 10th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Causes of World War I Webquest - Please complete the webquest by start of class on Wednesday (6/12) o Link for Q1 and European Alliances o Link for Q2 o Link for Q3&4 o Link for Q5 o Link for Q7 o HW question #5 map

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ _______________

Thursday, June 6th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Respond to the following questions based on your work on the Imperialism poster. Please email me your responses by start of class on Monday: johnny@pcschina.org o Questions

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ _______________

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Today’s Goal:  o Read Textbook Pg. 810-813 Define the vocabulary in this section Answer Questions 1&2 on Pg. 811 (Skill Builder) Answer Question 8 on Pg. 813 o Complete Imperialism in China Worksheet

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________ Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Today’s Goal:  o Complete Imperialism in China Worksheet

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Today’s Goal:  o Work on and complete Research Guide individually Answer all questions on a separate document Cite all sources of where you got your information NO WIKIPEDIA, ANSWERS.COM, YAHOO! ANSWERS, QUARA, BAIDU, ASK.COM Timeline: o Wednesday - Meet with group members, share inforamtion, and assign tasks o Thursday - Continue working on Poster o Friday - Complete poster by end of class

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, May 27th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Imperialism Research Poster Project [Poster Due Friday] o Review the directions for this assignment o Work on the Research Guide. You will start sharing information with your group tomorrow and start planning the poster and responsibilities

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Friday, May 24th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Quiz Day! Scramble for Africa Directions Scramble for Africa Maps o Rowena, Burton, Jessica, Cindy, Kevin o Jacky, Hyde, Cherilyn, Parker, Eric o Nina, Selina, Sissy, Anthony o Holly, Bart, Julie, Selina Maps to Compare o Africa - Political map 1913 o Africa - Political map today

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, May 20th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read and complete the questions for the following handout: Colonial Africa o On a seperate .doc or .docx file, answer the questions on the handout (there should be 12 questions). Answer in complete sentences in your own words o Highlight or underline the following vocabulary on the handout. You should know the words and the definitions as they will be on the quiz on Friday Vocabulary (RACISM, SOCIAL DARWINISM, ANGLO-SAXON, MALARIA, SUEZ CANAL, BERLIN CONFERENCE, ETHNIC GROUP, BOERS, SHAKA ZULU, BATTLE OF ADWA, SMALLPOX, KINSHIP)

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, May 16th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook pgs. 772-778 o Define (Imperialism, Racism, Social Darwinism, Berlin Conference, Shaka, Boer, Boer War) o Look up the word, “Darwinism”. What does it mean and what does this theory tell us about all creatures on this earth? o Respond to Questions on Pg. 778 Questions 2-6

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook pgs. 758-761 o Define (Manifest Destiny, Abraham Lincoln, Secede, US Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation, Segregation) o Answer Question on Pg 759, Q#2 o Answer Question on Pg. 760, Q#2 o Find the dates of the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments of the US Constitution o Determine what each of the amendments is about

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook pgs. 751-755 o Define (Dominion, Maori, Aborigine, Penal Colony, Home Rule, Irish Republican Army) o On Page 754; Answer Questions 1-3 o On Page 755; Answer Questions 3-6

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Friday, May 10th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Social Reform and Suffrage Images of Suffragettes

Reminders & Homework

Finish Social Reform and Suffrage Handout Complete the Post-Activity Assignment (Bottom of Pg. 8) - Due Monday 5/13 o TurnItIn.com “Letter to the Times” o Needs to be at least 150 words o Needs to be from the perspective of a Middle- Class woman fighting for suffrage at that time (1871-1914) o A Letter format o Why should women have the vote and why they deserve it o In your own words Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Questions to think about for tomorrow: o What is the difference between equality and fairness? Think of a situation where things are equal, but also unfair (or vice-versa) o What are the traditional roles of girls, young women, and women? What expectations does society put upon them? o What are the roles of girls, young women, and women today? What expectations does society put upon them? o What problems are women still dealing with today?

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook Pgs. 746-749; Answer the following questions on paper: o What does suffrage mean? o What is the difference between the Suffrage movement (Reform Bill of 1832) and the Chartist movement? o Who is Emmeline Pankhurst and what is her role in womens suffrage? o Which two countries were first to grant suffrage to women?

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, April 29th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Chapter 25 - Industrial Revolution (txtbook) Market vs. Command Economies + Simulation o Vocab and Questions for Monday’s Quiz (Page 4)

Reminders & Homework

Quiz on Monday (5/6) Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Classwork - Reflection on Industrial Revolution Primary Sources

Reminders & Homework

Read textbook Pgs. 734-740 [Due 4/25, beginning of class] o On a piece of paper: Answer questions 3-5 in complete sentences Respond to the following question: Would China be considered an actual “Communist” society according to Karl Marx? Why or why not? Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Industrial Revolutions: Primary Sources o British Cities - Doc 1 / Doc 2 Complete the following worksheet based on Doc 2

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Friday, April 19th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Industrial Revolutions Project - Product o Complete project by Monday, start of class

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Industrial Revolutions Project - Product o Examples of Advertisements: Example 1 & Example 2 o Examples of Articles: Example 1 o Examples of Technical Manuals: Example 1

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, April 15th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Industrial Revolutions Project - Research o Useful Websites for Information: Britannica Online Loc.gov British and American Inventions How Stuff Works - Top 10 Inventions Wikipedia.org

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Friday, April 12th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook, “Industrialization”, Pgs 723-728 o Define: Urbanization & Middle Class Carefully reread pages 724-725 with a focus on Living Conditions’ , ‘Working Conditions’, and ‘The Day of a Child Laborer, William Cooper o Why were the living conditions so bad in parts of England? o In your opinion, what is the worse of the bad living conditions mentioned in the textbook? o Why do you believe that women and children were cheaper labor than men? o How many total hours did William Cooper work? How many hours rest did he get, including break time? o It is stated in the beginning of the section that William Cooper was testifying in front of a parlimentary committee. Why might the parliment be interested in hearing about his daily life?

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, April 11th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

The Congress of Vienna Simulation o Post-Simulation Questions - On an A4 piece of paper, respond to the following four questions in complete sentences in your own words: i. Which nation did you represent? Did your nation accomplish all its goals (+/- points)? ii. What challenges did you face with the simulation? Which nation helped or hindered you the most? iii. Did your congress achieve it’s aims (go back to the four aims)? iv. Do you personally think the congress was successful or do you think this arrangement will lead to more conflict? Explain your response.

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, April 4th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Finish Congress of Vienna Worksheet o Flag from 1815 and borders during 1800 Research questions o Congress of Vienna - General Information o Congress of Vienna - Personalities o Britiannica Online: Congress of Vienna

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

The Congress of Vienna - Worksheet 1

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Friday, March 29th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Study for Monday’s Quiz o Vocabulary & Homework Questions for Chapter 23, sections 1-3 [French Revolution!]

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Complete Textbook Reading and Questions o Read Section 3 on the French Revolution, Pgs. 662-667 o Answer questions 3-5 & 7

Reminders & Homework

Study for Quiz on Monday regarding French Revolution (review sections 1-3) o Study the vocabulary and the HW questions Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Complete Textbook Reading and Questions o Read Section 2 on the French Revolution, Pgs. 656-661 o Answer questions 3-5

Reminders & Homework

Study for Quiz on Monday regarding French Revolution o Study the vocabulary and the HW questions Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________ Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

The French Revolution o Versailles Webquest i. Versailles website: http://en.chateauversailles.fr  o Textbook Reading

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, March 21st, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Goal 1: o Complete Event Timeline (see March 20th) Print adjusted template Draw icon and use color + effort Post on the back of the classroom in the correct time period Goal 2: o Causes of the American Revolution Outline Choose your event and two others from the timeline to complete the worksheet

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Period 3: Focus on March 19th assignment and make sure its ready tomorrow Period 4: o Event Timeline Template / Event Timeline Demo Download and fill in the Event Timeline Template with your event’s information. Print out the Event Timeline, draw your icon, and post it on the wall in the back of the class during the correct time period

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Peer Review of American Revolution Event Research o Work with a partner to review your research

Reminders & Homework

Using the corrections from your partner, type out the following and bring it to class tomorrow o The corrected summary o The corrrected feelings/reactions of the American Colonists o The corrected feelings/reactions of the British Government Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, March 18th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

American Revolution Event Research o Complete the research for your one of your events

Reminders & Homework

American Revolution Event Research Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook Pg. 640-645 and answer the following questions in your own words o Name at least two reasons why the English Colonists in the Americas had problems with Britains decisions prior to declaring independence o How did John Locke’s notion of the social contract influence the American colonists? o Why do you think the colonists at first created such a weak central government? o In what way was the American Revolution similar to the English Civil War?

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, March 11th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Read Textbook Pg. 636-639 and answer the following questions in your own words o Define what a ‘Salon’ is according to the textbook definition. o Do we have something similar to Salons today? If yes, what are they called now? If no, why do you believe there isnt? o What are enlightened despots? o What are reformers? o In what ways were the enlightened despots less than true reformers? Give a specific example to support your argument from the text

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Peer Edit o On the Peer Edit paper, respond to a group partner’s pairing paragraph Use the comments to fix your writing PRINT Your Pairing Paragraph o 12pt Times New Roman font, Double-Spaced Dinner Party Poster o On a piece of poster paper, work with your group to draw your dinner table and seats Needs to include a title Needs seating arrangement with the names of the guests (pictures would also be great) Needs to show the connections of pairings done by your group members Needs a cutout of your pairing explanations next to the connections Needs to look like a dinner table Quality and effort count

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, Feb 26th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Today’s Goals: a. On a scratch paper, decide the seating arrangements of the guests at the dinner party Who would you sit next to whom? Who would you sit across from whom and why? What similarities do they have that would allow them to get along or what differences do they have that you have to sit them far away from each other? There is no perfect combination, but do your best b. Each person must explain ONE pairing (each person must have a different pairing) Explain the similarities and differences between the your pair of people In 4-5 sentences in your own words, explain the pairing and seating arrangement (Please type on your computer)

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, Feb 25th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Enlightenment Dinner Party o Part A - Complete Comparison Tables o Part C - Work with your group to decide seating arrangement of your characters o Part B - Decide with your group which seating arrangement pairing you will explain. Write it down your explanation in 3-5 sentences

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Friday, Feb 22nd, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

As assigned groups, work on sharing information about your Enlightenment characters Start comparing similarities and differences

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, Feb 21st, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Enlightenment - Compare and Research o Sit with your partner and research one more Enlightenment character Baruch Spinoza Thomas Paine Adam Smith Catherine II (or Catherine the Great) Marquis de Condorcet (or search ‘Condorcet’) Olympe de Gouges o Complete the worksheet using information from Britannica Online Research + Quote o Compare between Enlightenment Characters (1- paragraph response)

Reminders & Homework

Complete Enlightenment - Compare and Research Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, Feb 19th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Enlightenment Quote and Action Figure o Find a famous quote for your assigned Enlightenment character and explain the context and meaning o Design your character’s action figure

Reminders & Homework

Finish Enlightenment Quote and Action Figure assignment Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, Feb 18th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Enlightenment Character Research - Use Britannica Online to research information about your assigned character [Reading level 2 is recommended. Level 3 is a nice challenge] o Thomas Hobbes o John Locke o Baron de Montesquieu o Mary Wollstonecraft o Voltaire o Denis Diderot o Cesare Beccaria o John Comenius o Benjamin Franklin o Thomas Jefferson

Reminders & Homework

Complete the Enlightenment Character Research assignment before class tomorrow ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, Jan 31st, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

12 Enlightenment Thinkers o Complete information sheet for 4 different enlightenment thinkers

Reminders & Homework

Complete any missing assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Wednesday, Jan 30th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Warm-up - Natural Rights 12 Enlightenment Thinkers

Reminders & Homework

none ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, Jan 29th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Defining Enlightenment Terms [Enligtenment, Philosophe, Natural Rights, Absolutism, Liberty, Deism] o Fold a paper hamburger-style into thirds o For each section (3 front, 3 back) write down The vocabulary term Pronouncation Guide (use https://www.howmanysyllables.com/) Definition (use dictionary.com) Definition in your own words Create a sentence using the term correctly o Sample

Reminders & Homework

 Read Textbook Pg. 629-634 o Define from textbook Social Contract o What were the 5 core beliefs of the Philosophes? Explain one in your own words o Why might some women have been critical of the Enlightenment? ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, Jan 28th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Scientist presentations Scientific Revolution Notes

Reminders & Homework

 Read Textbook Pg. 622-628 o Answer Questions 5, 6, and 7 ______________________________________________________ ________________

Friday, Jan 25th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Scientific Revolution

Reminders & Homework

Research Your Scientist (Newton, Kepler, Brahe, Galilei, Copernicus) o Where were they from? o Year of their birth/death o Explain 1 major discovery they are known for Write down and be able to explain, in your own words, what this discovery is. Explain it to us as though we were 5 years old (no big words, provide examples, etc.) ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, Jan 24th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Notes - Protestant Reformation

Reminders & Homework

Catholic Church Break-up Letter o Write a ½ page to 1 page as a new Protestant who is leaving the Catholic Church. In your letter, you must explain: 1-2 problems you see with the Catholic church 1-2 Differences in practices of the Protestant church (you prefer) over the Catholic church 1-2 Other people/events that also left the church o You will be graded on quality as well as content. Please use content from the textbook to help you (pg 488, 490, 491, 495-498 are pretty useful) ______________________________________________________ ________________

Wednesday, Jan. 23rd, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Homework day (Reformation)

Reminders & Homework

Read Textbook Pgs. 495-501 o Respond to Pg. 502 Qs#16, 17 o Respond to Pg. 501 Qs#2, 3 ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Judith and Holofernes o Picture 1 vs Picture 2 Female Renaissance Artists 

Reminders & Homework

Read Textbook Pgs. 488-494 o Define the terms (using the textbook) o What problem does Martin Luther have with the Catholic church’s selling of indulgences? Why do you think he believes its wrong? o Look at the diagram on Page 491 Using a dictionary, define “denomination” What is the percentage of Protestants in the US? How is the leadership of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches different in the 16th century? How do Roman Catholics and Calvinists differ in their Interpretation of Beliefs? Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, Jan. 21th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Renaissance Art Piece Presentations

Reminders & Homework

Read Textbook Pgs. 478-485 o Define the terms (using the textbook) o Answer question #9 on page 485 Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Friday, Jan. 18th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Renaissance Notes o The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin by Jan van Eyck Be ready to present your art piece with your partner on Monday

Reminders & Homework

Read Textbook Pgs. 471-477 o Define the terms (using the textbook) Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, Jan. 17th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Renaissance Artworks o Review Art Work Analysis - With a partner, analyze your assigned art piece o In 2-3 sentences, describe one aspect of the art piece that stands out o In 2-3 sentences, interpret the meaning/message/story of the art piece o Try to find the Title of the Art Piece(in english), the Artist’s name, Year(s) created, and where the art piece is located today. o In 3-5 setences, explain, in your own words, what the actual meaning/message/story of art piece is o Sketch a small (but important) part of this artwork on A4 paper o You and your partner will present the art to the class on Friday Art Piece #1 Art Piece #2 Art Piece #3 Art Piece #4 Art Piece #5 Art Piece #6

Reminders & Homework

Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Wednesday, Jan. 16th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Renaissance Artworks (due tomorrow) o Color in your artwork o On the back of your paper Go online and find the  following: The title of the artwork Where the artwork is today (what museum or specific location) The artist’s name Where the artist is from The year (or years) the artist created the art o In 2-3 sentences, describe the artwork. Describe it to someone who has never seen it (ex. there are trees in the background, there is a woman standing on the right, etc.) o In 2-3 sentences, describe what you think the artist is trying to show the audience. What message are they trying to say?

Reminders & Homework

Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Thursday, Jan. 10th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Classwork Goal: o Complete Outline (I will collect it on Jan. 11th) o Complete Rough Draft Submit 1st draft on Thursday by 10pm [Jan. 10th] on TurnItIn.com

Reminders & Homework

Rough Draft Essay due today by 10pm [Jan. 10th] on TurnItIn.com Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Wednesday, Jan. 9th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Classwork Goal: Complete Outline Work on Rough Draft o Submit 1st draft on Thursday end of day [1/10] to TurnItIn

Reminders & Homework

Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Tuesday, Jan. 8th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Classwork Goal: Complete Outline

Reminders & Homework

Start on Rough Draft of Essay Complete or turn-in any missing/late assignments ______________________________________________________ ________________

Monday, Jan. 7th, 2019

Today’s Activities and Notes

Overview of Mesoamerican essay

Reminders & Homework

Complete a thesis statement Complete Venn Diagram for each of the three cultural topics ______________________________________________________ ________________